Trusting yourself
doesn't have to feel so scary.

our hearts

Trusting your inner guide as a mother

As mothers we worry so much about trusting ourselves because we don’t want to risk hurting our children.

But what if I was to tell you our hearts are our very own bespoke navigation system? And every time we trust them, tremendous healing pours into not only our lives, but our children’s as well?


Hello, I'm Laura

A mother & writer, and life long quester for the truth! I live in Brighton in England, & I’m convinced it’s not only healing that happens when we trust our hearts, but seriously cool adventures that we’d sooo regret not embarking on, where we to carry on pretending that the wisdom in our hearts, has nothing to say after all…

the newsletter

Writing 'for the journey home'

We look at things like what’s happening in the news, so that we can work out how to respond for our families.

And the ups and downs of learning to trust our inner navigation system.

Because, I feel this is a relationship that we can mirror to our children: yes the world feels scary right now, but darling look, there’s a superpower in you: and I’m going to show you how to use it.

If you’d like to stay in touch, you can subscribe to my newsletter here or click button below.

Our hearts are our very own bespoke, navigation system.


What others say about the newsletter

“A wonderful accompaniment to my morning…really liked your ‘P.S’ format at the end of the newsletter too. Somehow made it humble as opposed to advisory!”

Sky G.

“I want to tattoo these anecdotes all over me!! All the blocks are familiar and I know them only too well but the anecdotes are fresh and new and heart led and I LOVE them. I will be practicing them all. So thank you sister.”

Chessy T-W

“Simply beautiful!”

Julia M.

“Your newsletter cracked me wide open… so deeply mirrors the threads in my life that are pulling me this way and that, and is such a contagious beacon of light to that part of me that knows…”

Eliza P.

“Laura your words are so powerful, every time I read them, somehow, each time, they are right for the phase I am going through. I love your writing, and I love you helping us feel that indeed we are not alone with our experiences!”

Natasha D.

“Thank you so much for writing your newsletter…I wanted to try and convey how much I relate to what you’re writing about in the newsletters.”

Alex MH.

“Reading Laura’s newsletter makes me marvel at her journey, exploration of self and life. Her zest for living and searching. For me, she is a natural wonder!”

Tracy H.

“Laura’s willingness in her life to keep an open heart has been a continual thread of connection, and I love how there are some people who mysteriously circle in and out of your awareness with interesting junctures where your direction is shaped by theirs; Laura has inspired me to be more full in the expression of my heart, in ways she probably doesn’t even know!”

Charlotte H.

“Laura amazes me with all she is doing to heal and bring people along on her journey.”
Dee K.

Be who we truly are

A word from the author

Okay, I know this section is meant to be written in the 3rd person.

But, if you’ve come to this website, you’re probably simply searching for a story that resonates with your own – because sometimes us women just long for permission to be who we truly are

Because most likely, your sense is that the wisdom in your heart does matter – but like all of us – you spend a lot of time doubting it.

Most of all, I’m a writer…

But mostly, I’m a woman, a mother to Eve and to Jack, a partner to a man called Tom, a life longer learner, a seeker, a lover of the unknown. Words are the way I share everything I learn.

Be who we truly are

A word from the author

Okay, I know this section is meant to be written in the 3rd person.

But, if you’ve come to this website, you’re probably simply searching for a story that resonates with your own – because sometimes us women just long for permission to be who we truly are

Because most likely, your sense is that the wisdom in your heart does matter – but like all of us – you spend a lot of time doubting it.

Most of all, I’m a writer…

But mostly, I’m a woman, a mother to Eve and to Jack, a partner to a man called Tom, a life longer learner, a seeker, a lover of the unknown. Words are the way I share everything I learn.

An experience of motherhood

About my Book

This book is for every mother who’s ever found herself yearning for the life she feels adrift from.

Hans Christian Anderson wrote of Gerda and Kai and the pixies up high who relished in destroying all that they couldn’t understand. The thing that the pixies didn’t realise, was that the power that beat in Gerda’s heart was more powerful then any mischief they could unleash.

Similarly, whatever dramas have played out in yours and your children’s lives – when you learn to remove whatever shards of glass have lodged inside your heart, and place your trust and faith for living in the wisdom of your heart: you can be sure of one thing. Life for you and your children will Transform.

This book is for all mothers doubting themselves whilst seeking to create a life for them and their children that feels truly reflective of the beauty in their hearts.

Testimonials For Travels With My Daughter

What readers are saying

“Literally couldn’t put it down – really honest and interesting and different!”

Aita I.

“It’s quite rare that I come across writing that has a particular resonance that pulls me in. (Which is why I don’t read much!) So far whatever I read of Laura’s though has that effect.”

Elspeth D.

“How do you measure the gift of a person writing from their heart, revealing so much for all to see? The first half raced by almost like a roller coaster with moments of real beauty and clarity and wisdom that were almost jaw dropping.”

Beatrice B.

“If there’s one word I could use to describe Laura’s writing it would be magic. She transports you to another world, another realm where even the simplest of everyday things become enchanted. Her writing makes you look at the world in wonder & awe.”

Alex P.

- Upcoming book -

Title goes here

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Want to trust yourself, but sooooo many doubts & worries.

Subscribe to my newsletter where we look at what’s happening in the world & what’s happening with us: so we can start activating the heart of the world & maybe maybe, bring some serious healing into our world.